TAG CORPORATION – Absolute Leadership Position Built on Experience and Innovation
TAG CORPORATION has strong domain expertise in hardware and accessories for extra high voltage energy transmission lines. With over 25% market share across the Indian sub-continent, TAG have emerged as proficient leaders in providing innovative and cutting edge solutions catering exclusively to the high voltage energy companies.
The company is backed by an enormous talent pool at work to deliver solutions to large scale enterprises and prestigious government agencies, such as the POWERGRID Corporation of India, APTRANSCO, TSTRANSCO, TANTRANSCO, UPPTCL, RRVPNL, GETCO, PSPTCL, BSPTCL , MEGPTCL, directly or through various EPC’S including EMC, EMCO, ISOLUX (INDIA), INABENSA(INDIA) KEC, KPTL,KCL, L & T, TATA, MEIL, ESSEL, PMC, SUJANA, JSL, SPIC. These factors give TAG an industry dominance and unrivalled competitive edge to design, test, develop, manufacture and supply hardware and accessories for extra high voltage electrical energy lines.
TAG focus on innovation has seen many milestones that are unprecedented in the power transmission business. For instance, the only company to run a “One Stop Lab” that enables an all-round and comprehensive testing of transmission line equipment and overhead conductors.