Technology Partners
Since 2016, TAG has been a key manufacturing partner of CTC GLOBAL, supplying the full range of fittings and accessories for the ACCC® conductors. TAG Corporation collaborates closely with CTC Global to engineer hardware and accessories for both the ACCC® conductors and, more recently, the ACCC® InfoCore® Conductors, providing a comprehensive solution to Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and conductor manufacturers.
Leveraging its extensive in-house laboratory, manufacturing, and testing facilities, TAG has designed, developed, and tested the TAPMAN Series, featuring a high-temperature range of fittings.
In 1994, TAG initiated a technical collaboration with Hydro Quebec to jointly redesign, test an manufacture spacer dampers suitable for tropical regions. This collaboration fostered a strong technical partnership, facilitating the introduction of various spacer damper designs tailored to diverse environmental conditions, bundle configurations, and operating temperatures spanning from -30°C to +50°C. To date, more than 3.0 million spacer dampers have been supplied and installed in configurations of Twin, Triple, Quadruple, Hexagonal, and Octagonal bundles.
With over 800,000 spacer-dampers installed on Hydro-Québec lines and an additional 3,000,000 units supplied worldwide by TAG Corporation in the last 30 years, the impact of this robust design has resonated across international transmission networks.